
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

FSRN: Gone but not Forgotten

The Food Security Research Network ("FSRN"), part of Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, was formed in 2006, funded for 6 years, ending in 2012.

One of the projects that FSRN worked on was the high quality chicken eggs and meat for Northern Ontario.

They produced an informative table showing the quota and non-quota systems for chickens and eggs in Ontario.

I remember it as a resource I had found 3 years ago.  It was a helpful primer to introduce me to the complex regulations and systems.  Unfortunately, I never blogged about it before.

Today, I remembered it fondly, and decided FSRN's moment in the sun for this Blog has arrived.

My thanks to FSRN and Dr. Connie Nelson who shepherded FSRN to do many important projects.

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