All readers of this Blog are respectfully requested to send an email to the government of Nova Scotia, asking them to back off the destruction and persecution of small flock turkey farmers and their supporting services in Nova Scotia.
We became aware last week of the repeated attacks upon small flock turkey farmers. See Blog postings Turkey Trauma and Turkey Talk for Nova Scotia.
To help you get started, I have drafted a quick start. It is better if you customize that draft so that it eactly matches for facts and feelings.
Click on the following link. It will open your email program, then you can modify to suit. Feel free to use any of the info that was in my email to these NS politicians (copy & paste at will). See: My previous email
Email the Government of Nova Scotia on Trauma Inflicted to Small Flock Turkey Farmers
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The following is the text of the email I sent on 2015/05/11. Borrow freely, as you please, to use in your email.
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To: Nova Scotia's Premier, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Health, and MLA for Pictou West
I would like to support the continuation of small flock turkey
growers in Nova Scotia, and the supporting infrastructure, such as
Larkin Bros. PEI who raise turkey poults for NS turkey growers, and
Gordon Fraser's 35 yrs. as a butcher shop-abattoir in Milbrook NS.
After being contacted by News 95.7 in Halifax this morning, I
did a posting on our Blog (see,
and a radio interview with Sheldon Macleod on News 95.7 FM radio
Halifax NS. I am glad to see the growing quantity and passion
of support for small flock turkey farming in Nova Scotia.
I was also able to get a friend to get Nova Scotia some
additional coverage too:
Hopefully this will soon be on the CBC National News, or
Unfortunately, the "official, approved" system for commercial
turkey production under Supply Management and/or
Provincial/Federal Meat Regulations, in spite of best efforts
and intentions to the contrary, puts everybody's life at risk;
whether from bacterial contamination, Superbugs created from
improper use of antimicrobial drugs, inferior nutritional
quality of the resulting meat, or unaffordability.
In my experience, the Supply Management System, whether in NS or
elsewhere in Canada, usually wants to hide behind the "food
safety" smoke screen.
University of Guelph, CFIA, and other studies have repeatedly
shown that 30% to 80% of retail chickens are significantly
contaminated with deadly bacteria. I assume similar problems
with commercially produced turkeys under Supply Management. A
butcher with a sharp knife is often better than an expensive,
high speed poultry processing machine usually used by the
commercial factory farms and processors under Supply
Management. For manual evisceration done properly by a farmer
or butcher, the resulting meat will often have 96% less
bacterial contamination than the commercially produced meat (see
) .
There is a world-wide health crisis, and Canada is included in
that crisis. There are now more obese people in the world than
the under-nourished. Small flock turkeys in Nova Scotia can be
(and is) a significant part of the solution to that health
crisis. In Nova Scotia, health care eats up about $4.5 billion
of the province’s $9.5 billion annual budget; a whopping 47.4%
of the NS provincial budget.
Many studies now indicate that up to 75% of human disease is
caused or contributed to by poor nutrition, which includes poor
eating habits. Unfortunately, this can't be simply solved by
"eating healthy". For example, a hundred years ago, the potato
was a rich source of Vitamin A and C, and many trace nutrients.
Not today, as the typical potato has lost almost all of its
Vitamin A, lost 47% of their copper, lost 45% of their iron and
lost 35% of their calcium. It isn't just the potato that has
suffered this terrible fate. Many fruits, vegetables, grains,
meats, and other foods are becoming more and more depleted. For
commercially produced chicken, there is now more fat, and the
fat Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio has totally flipped to the
unhealthy side in the last 50 years (Ref: BANT
). In other words, the good food isn't so good anymore. Foods
high in carbohydrates are now known to be addictive, and often
result is a positive feedback loop, causing us to consume more
of what is not good for us. Blis point food research by large
corporations and very powerful individuals (commonly called "Big
Food") has purposefully (or inadvertently at least) caused the
creation and marketing of foods that are more and more
All of this has been caused (or taken advantage of) by Big Food
who are focused (exclusively, or nearly so) on maximizing their
profits, regardless of the societal costs. Seeking profits by
corporations is what their government's charter and
incorporation bylaws requires them to do, so it is no wonder
that they do so. Unfortunately, there are insufficient
constraints on this inbred search for profits. One of the
indirect consequences of this profit seeking by Big Food is the
slow evolution from locally produced food on local, family farms
toward huge factory farms run by (or terribly influenced by)
huge corporations.
In short, Big Food is directly and indirectly causing your
provincial health budget to explode, and cruel suffering to be
inflicted on millions of Canadians, including almost a million
people in NS. There are some indications that Big Food is
somewhat aware of the terrible impact of their actions, but they
choose to do little to nothing to remedy the situation.
One particularly gruesome example of Big Food is the Supply
Management System in Canada for table eggs, hatching eggs,
chicken, turkey, and dairy; a system which has been around for
about 50 years. It was created by the Federal and Provincial
governments so as to help the farmers, so they can better
provide the necessary food to Canadians. The monopolies created
by the governments and delegated to these industry sectors as a
self-regulating and self-policing system has slowly evolved away
from its intended focus on the greater good for the public. It
is now used as a weapon against Canadians. For example, eggs in
Canada are about 52% more expensive than in the USA. Cheese and
milk are 38% to 100% more expensive in Canada. These are bad
enough, but chicken is between 50% to 300% more expensive in
Canada; king of Big Food's kleptocracy. Farmers get some of
this unfair and excessive profit, but it is mainly other players
in the Big Food cartel who are the gluttons feeding on the
consumer's pocketbook through these exorbitant prices.
Health Canada studies show that on average, 7.6% of Canadian
families can't afford the food they need to feed their families;
as high as 28% in Nunavut. If Canadians can't afford the food
they want and need, they are forced to buy what they can afford;
which means even lower quality food. This has a direct causal
link to their subsequent poor health, and the extra health care
services you are subsequently required to provide, and the extra
bills taxpayers eventually have to pay. Diabetes, obesity, high
blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, rheumatoid
arthritis, and Alzheimer's Disease are just some of the diseases
linked to poor nutrition; most of which are seeing world-wide
pandemics in incidence and prevalence rates, in both Canada and
around the world. It is estimated that if the current trends
continue, diabetes alone will consume 100% of the total health
care budget by 2045.
In the 1950's Canada was one of the best in the world for
chicken FCR. Today, New Zealand chicken farmers are the best
with an FCR of 1.38 (versus Canada's 1.72), which places us
24.6% behind the world leaders, wallowing in mediocrity. FCR
directly affects price of chicken, so that a bad FCR puts Canada
at a 14.8% price disadvantage with foreign chicken producers (if
we assume non-FCR costs are similar, and since feed costs are
60% of the total cost of production; 0.6*1.246+0.4*1.0= 1.148=
14.8% price disadvantage for Canada). Here is the background
info on the poor FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio) that the 2,700 fat,
dumb, & happy multi-millionaire chicken farmers in Canada
have done to almost destroy the Canadian chicken industry.
The commercial poultry growers have also been doing weird things
with drugs and chemicals. See Frankenstein Chicken:
In Ontario, we estimate that 430,000 new jobs can be created by
allowing Small Flock farmers to have just 10% of the provincial
chicken market, producing local food, and helping the rural
economy. If we assume the same ratio for NS, you could create
29,700 new jobs for NS via small flock farming and local food.
). That could be achieved with the stroke of a pen by the NS
Minister of Agriculture, with 30 days notice. No expenditure
required. How's that for job creation cost & speed?
There will soon be 10 Billion people on this planet as the
current population demographic holes fill in over the next 50
years or so. The world needs more food, and Canada could supply
a significant part of it. Unfortunately, we are blocked by Big
Food, especially Canada's Supply Management System. For
example, Canada is currently in last place (7th out of 7) of the
OECD nations for chicken exports; a mere 1.4% market share of
this Billion dollar export market. If we changed Supply
Management, we could slowly improve, catch up with the rest of
the world, and eventually provide up to 50% of the OECD market.
At that level, Canada would have to produce 5 times more chicken
than what we do today. That would be Billions in additional GDP
for Canada, and thousands more of good permanent jobs, reducing
your Nova Scotia unemployment rate, as well as Canada's
overall. We can't do that today because Canada's Chicken Mafia
is content with the continued raping and plundering of innocent
Canadians, rather than exporting.
The Feb. 2014 Iveny Report (One Nova Scotia) noted that a crisis
currently exists in NS, especially for rural areas, and
recommends agriculture, local food, and exporting food as viable
solutions. Small flock turkeys in Nova Scotia are an example of
the recommended solutions.
Since your NS political predecessor and your provincial
political neighbours created this Frankenstein monster of Supply
Management that repeatedly attacks Canadian consumers and small
flock poultry producers, I believe it is the politicians who are
responsible to rein in this out-of-control Big Food monster.
Since it is better to start with the root cause rather than the
symptom, that is why something needs to be immediately done,
first and foremost, about the Supply Management wing of Big
Food, as this is the worst of the worst.
If you seek documentation to convince you of the statements and
allegations made here, please feel free to visit our Blog where
I have documented and explained these chronic sins against
Canadians by Big Food, the Chicken Mafia, and the Egg Mafia (see
You will have to convince and enjoin your Cabinet colleagues to
act in unison with you on this important issue. If you or your
Cabinet colleagues ignore, doubt and fail to verify, delay, lose
your perseverance, or forget about this issue, then thousands of
people (some of them your constituents), will suffer the cruel
As to your NS citizen Mr. Gordon Fraser, who is currently being
attacked by the Turkey Mafia, if Mr. Fraser wants to help small
flock turkey producers by continuing to provide turkey abattoir
services, as he has done for the last 35 years, in an
ecologically sustainable, efficient, safe, clean, and nutritious
manner, I think it is paramount for the Nova Scotia government
to find some way to convince, encourage, or force the Nova
Scotia branch of the Turkey Mafia to consult and accommodate him
in some reasonable manner (and all other small flockers and
local abattoirs of a similar nature) in their current supply
management system. Similarly, we must permit small flock
farmers to continue obtaining turkey poults from Larkin Bros. in
PEI, and other local food endeavors to thrive; in spite of the
entrenched Big Food monopolists, and the swarming of their
lobbyists in the back halls and offices of government.
Beyond the current Turkey Trauma in Nova Scotia, here is how we
suggest the overall Supply Management system be improved:
Thank-you for your prompt attention and consideration of these
important issues for immediate resolution by your government.
Glenn Black President
Small Flock Poultry Farmers of Canada
c/o 576 Firehall Rd. P.O. Box 101
Providence Bay ON P0P 1T0
Phone (705)-377-4039
Small Flock Poultry Farmers of Canada is a
not-for-profit organization dedicated to communicate, discuss,
and advocate for the civil rights and important role that
small flock poultry farmers can play (and should play) in
Canadian Society.

A blog to communicate, discuss, and advocate for the civil rights and important role Small Flock Poultry Farmers can play (and should play) in Canadian Society. Small Flockers are on the side of justice & truth, and against privilege & power. Unfortunately, the more we compromise with privilege and power, the more we reduce the capacity for truth and justice.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
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