Sometimes, I'm not sure which it is.
Anyway, the graph at right shows the country of origin for all our visitors since our inception 8 months ago. In that 8 month period, we have had 22,278 visitors from more than 11 countries, all around the world.
The start of the Blog seems like yesterday. Yet, the progress we have made seems like watching paint dry for the slow, glacial changes that slowly occur in the #ChickenMafia and #EggMafia and the governments of Canada.
We logged this milestone now, as we have added another widget in the right hand column, which will gradually fill out with a live reporting on who is currently, and who has in the past, visited this Blog.

My sole flashing blip looked a little lonely, and I didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea, so that's why I documented the above graph, so our history is complete.
I appreciate the interest around the world that the plight of Canadians and their crazy Supply Management system has attracted. Your interest is appreciated, and I welcome your feedback and advise. Some of you may have current or on-going experience dealing with oppressive or tyrannical regimes, similar to our Supply Management system here in Canada. I'm open to advice, regardless of where it comes from.
Please pass the word to your family, friends, and business associates; whether in person, snail mail, email, Twitter, or otherwise.
The above pageviews represent 14.41 doublings so far. We need 23 doublings to have the equivalent groundswell awareness equal to all 8.4 million eligible voters in Ontario. Based on our statistical forecast and our current course and speed, we will achieve that goal around August 17, 2015; just 22 months from today.
Have faith. We will get there soon enough! We need these next 22 months to adequately prepare ourselves. And once we do arrive, we launch Phase II of our campaign.
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