
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Small Flockers Blog is gaining traction

We are slowly gaining interest in our Blog and the issues discussed here.

  Keep up the good work of passing the word.  Most of us have a long list of friends in our email address book.  DO any of them eat chicken?  Perhaps they'd be interested to learn why they pay so much for chicken.

Some recommended actions to help spread the word:

  • Sign our on-line petition (link in right column)
  • Follow us on Twitter (link in right column)
  • Share our posting on Facebook to your Friends (link in right column)
  • Tweet one of our postings (link in right column)
  • Subscribe to our RSS Feeds (link in right column)
  • Add us to one of your Google+ Circles (link in right column)
  • Recommend us on Google+ (link in right column)
  • Email your friends a link to this Blog, and your recommendations to read and learn.
For those more mathematically inclined, we are doing exponential growth in the viewers of this Blog, as we must do at this stage of our life.

When dealing with exponential growth, "doubling time" is a useful concept.  Doubling Time is the time taken to double the measured quantity.  This is how bacteria grows, not that I'm comparing this Blog to a growing slime in the corner of somebody's shower stall.

The following graph shows this Blog's doubling time:

So far, we have almost had 10 doublings in the 13 days that this Blog has been alive.  Very quick out of the gate we were, at a hyper geometric growth rate (ie. an exponential of an exponential).  We have now settled into our steady pace for the marathon, currently adding 0.1 doublings every day.  To me, that's pretty good.

For this Blog to touch the lives of 8.4 million people (ie. the number of eligible voters in Ontario), we need 23 doublings to occur.  At our current instantaneous doubling rate of 0.1 doublings per day, we will need another 130 days to add an additional 13 doublings (23-10)/0.1= 130

That aggregate total of 23 doublings in another 130 days equates to a interim finish date of July 5, 2013  We'll see if we can keep up this exponential growth rate until then.  Press on, my faithful Blog Hounds, we have work to do!

For all of Canada, we'll need 35 doublings, which is 250 days at our 0.1 doublings per day, finishing on Nov. 2, 2013 at our current rate.

See, that's not impossible.  It can be done, and it won't take the rest our our lives to accomplish.  The light is clearly visible at the end of the tunnel.

Keep moving, don't ever stop.

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