I've created a Google+ Community called: Canadian Small Flock Poultry Farming where we can have many-to-many discussions on Small Flock Poultry Farming, Supply Management, flock health, nutritious food, and many other related topic.
I have added some interesting posts into each category, awaiting comments from the crowd.
Give it a look. Give me your ideas, questions, and worries. Lets have some fruitful discussions. We probably can't solve all the world's problems, but at least we can try and make this small area better.

A blog to communicate, discuss, and advocate for the civil rights and important role Small Flock Poultry Farmers can play (and should play) in Canadian Society. Small Flockers are on the side of justice & truth, and against privilege & power. Unfortunately, the more we compromise with privilege and power, the more we reduce the capacity for truth and justice.
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On-topic comments, where you behave yourself and play nicely, will remain posted; whether they are pro or con. Everybody needs to fully understand all points of view so that we can find a solution that encompasses everybody's concerns. Give it your best shot.
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Before posting, please proofread, and correct as necessary. If you subsequently discover a need to fix your previous posting, make an additional posting that refers to the original posting, then set the record straight.