
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Discrimination & Exclusion Aren't Friendly

Just over 1,000 producers have CFO chicken quotas in Ontario.  These chicken factories control 99.97% of the production of chicken in Ontario, most of them raising around 200,000 birds per year on average.
Chickens, and more chickens, as far as the eye can see in one chicken factory in Ontario   (Ref: CFO Performance Report 2011.pdf )
Compare those 1,000 mega-factory chicken producers to the 13,000 family farms that raise small flocks in Ontario.  The majority of small flock farmers raise 60 chickens or less.  I, myself am one of those small flock growers.
These small flock growers, in spite of being the majority of chicken farmers in Ontario, are totally excluded from any input, decisions, or benefits from the chicken factories and CFO.  For example:
  • Small Flockers are refused membership in CFO (Chicken Farmers of Ontario)
  • Small Flockers can't attend the District Meetings of CFO
  • Small Flockers can't attend CFO's Annual General Meeting
  • Small Flockers can't vote for CFO Directors nor Area Reps
  • Small Flockers can't advertise our chickens for sale
Fortunately ???, Small Flockers are forced to follow CFO's orders on what and how and when to raise our chickens.
CFO has used their monopoly to suppress the small flock growers from ever becoming a commercially affordable alternative to the chicken factories.
I believe CFO has used its power and privileges against the small flock chicken farmers, and against the public in general. 

Hopefully all chicken growers, both small flock and the mega chicken factories can listen to all points of view and find a win-win solution that is in the best interest of all, including the Ontario public.
Discrimination & Exclusion Aren't Friendly.  Can't we all just get along?

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