
Monday, July 22, 2013

OIPP supports Small Flockers

Small Flockers have received support from OIPP (Ontario Independent Poultry Processers).  Thanks!

According to a July 19, 2013 article in Better Farming John Slott, OIPP's General Manager mentioned that OIPP believes the small flock exemption:
"...should be increased or equal to other provinces’ amounts."
Slot clarified that OIPP was joining forces with neither Small Flockers nor Practical Farmers, the two groups who plan to appeal Chicken Farmer's regulations.

Small Flockers appreciate and welcome the stand taken by OIPP.

It is always difficult to take a stand on an issue before it becomes mainstream.  We hereby recognize OIPP's courage.

P.S.   I was unsuccessful at getting guest postings during my 2 weeks vacation.  Thanks for your understanding and patience during this Blog's silence during that time.  We are now ready to continue our steady march towards our Small Flocker's destiny.

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