This Blog has now been active for 105 days, so I thought it would be a good time to assess our progress so far.
The graph above shows data for all 72 postings that have been done so far. The vertical axis is on a logarithmic scale. It appears that a posting gains most of its audience views within the first 72 hours, then slowly accumulates additional views the longer it is posted. That is why yesterday's posting (ie. Days Posted= 1 day) shows as significantly above the trend line.
The second anomaly in the above graph is the April 2, 2013 posting Choose: Frankenstein Chicken, or Naturally Raised Chicken? which so far has collected a total of 1,819 views, likely due to the interest of people who have been chronically poisoned with arsenic-laced chicken without their consent.
Other than that, everything seems about the same for all the postings made so far. When we look at the exponential slope of the thin black trend line above, we see that the average posting is gaining additional views at 3.12% per day that it is posted. That rate has a doubling time of 22.4 days (ie. every 22.4 days, the number of views for the typical posting doubles; 70/3.12%= 22.4 days).
Using the average exponential gain for the average posting over time, and assuming 40 views on average in the first day, the cumulative aggregate total views for the average posting is shown above.
I'm quite pleased with that. This means the word is getting out there.
People are paying attention.
They're getting informed.
Soon, they may get personally involved.
After that, some may get radicalized, and demand that change for the better must occur immediately.
I wonder when those demands for change will start to occur?

A blog to communicate, discuss, and advocate for the civil rights and important role Small Flock Poultry Farmers can play (and should play) in Canadian Society. Small Flockers are on the side of justice & truth, and against privilege & power. Unfortunately, the more we compromise with privilege and power, the more we reduce the capacity for truth and justice.
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